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Component Diagram

Component diagram with protocols at integration points.

Sixpack integrates with your infrastructure using two machine-to-machine endpoints:

  • API for generators
  • REST API for test datasets consumers

Then Sixpack allows users to interact with the platform using a web interface where authorization is handled with Open ID Connect.

Component diagram


Generators register with the Sixpack platform as agents on every startup. They receive predefined types of tasks such as "generate". Then custom code can interact with arbitrary systems from your infrastructure which is out of Sixpack responsibility and control.

The only parameters required to connect to the platform are:

  • URL
  • Environment
  • Private key for the mTLS handshake
  • Client certificate for the mTLS handshake

Automated tests

Automated tests can request/pick pre-generated datasets via a REST interface.

The only parameters required to connect are:

  • URL
  • API Key

Then each request contains additional data that depends on what generators have been previously registered:

  • Environment
  • Supplier
  • Item
  • Optional: Inputs

All those additional parameters are dynamically adjusted anytime a generator connects or expires after long inactivity and developers of automated tests need to adjust their code accordingly on their side.


Users interact with the platform via a web interface. The web interface is secured with OpenID Connect. They can basically do the same as automated tests, but in a more user-friendly way and without the API Key (identity is their own).